Hi! I'm Cassandra

Hi! My name is Cassandra, and I'm the owner, creator, designer, marketing manager, photographer, accountant, and content creator here at Semilla. It's a one woman show around here, so I get to wear all the hats! I'm based in Knoxville, Tennessee where I have lived since 2015. Scroll to read more about me and this small biz of mine!

Meet the Maker

Semilla's Story

Semilla had humble beginnings when I began making polymer clay earrings for myself. I initially had no intentions to sell them. I was just finishing up grad school studying Urban and multicultural education, so I was in survival mode and on the hunt for a teaching job. One day a friend noticed me wearing some earrings I had made and asked me to bring a couple pairs into our next class. I was flattered that she showed interest but didn't think too much of it at the time. Next thing I knew, I was accidentally holding a mini pop-up shop during my class's 10 minute break. So many of my classmates/friends went home with new earrings while I went home inspired by a potential business idea.

The only thing holding me back was how busy my life was at the time. Full-time intern. Full-time grad student. Full-time having no idea what my life was going to look like after I graduated. And then the COVID-19 pandemic hit. I found myself going across the state to my parents' house for what I thought would be a two week trip max.
HA. Boy have I never been so wrong. I graduated via Zoom in the middle of a hiring freeze, so the "real world" made quite the entrance
into my life.

I realized I had more free time than ever before, so the idea of starting a business seemed almost too perfect. Thus, The Cass Collective was born (that’s what Semilla used to be named!). I started selling and making custom orders for friends and family in the summer of 2020. Soon, people I had never interacted with before were ordering from me, and I was blown away at the fact that a stranger would care about something I made. And here I am, still making, and still mind boggled at the support I have been blessed with. 

"Is this your full time job?"

In case you were wondering, no, Semilla is not my full-time job. After that crazy hiring freeze, I got a job teaching 2nd grade! My top priority is being the teacher my students not only need but DESERVE. So, although that job keeps me VERY busy, I have loved running this business on the side. It provides me with the creative outlet I need in life, along with such an amazing way to meet incredible people! 

Product Naming Process

As you peruse the website, you may notice that each product has been assigned a name! All of my creations are named after an influential Latina figure. In order to give you the reason why, you need a bit more background info. I am a second generation American, which means that both of my parents are foreign-born and I’m the first person in my family to be born in the U.S.A. My mom is Canadian and my dad is Mexican. In my case, my parents moved to the states just a couple years before I was born! 

I grew up in the suburbs and never really learned about contributions that the Latinx community made to society in school. My dad did a great job at instilling Méxicana pride into me and taught my siblings and I Spanish to further connect us to our heritage and culture. It really wasn't until I went to university that I realized I only knew a handful of influential Latinas, which just didn't sit well with me. I believe that children should have a diverse array of people to look up to, including ones who look like them. 

SO, all that to say, I have dedicated my current collections to influential Latinas who I believe don't get enough time in the spotlight. I include a brief sentence of their
accomplishments in every product description, but I encourage you to learn more about these incredible mujeres! 


Hey you! I owe you a HUGE thank you. Support manifests in so many different ways and the fact that you're even reading this right now is a big deal to me! Supporting me
doesn't mean you have to buy my product. It can be sharing my work with friends or on social media, giving me a follow on Instagram, showing up at a local maker's market or pop-up shop, or even sending a quick word of encouragement.
It all means the world to me. 

If you've somehow read all of this, you're a real one. 

All my love,
